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Art and culture


A new artwork dedicated to the City of Caorle

Foto 2 - Lorenzo_Quinn

Caorle also now has its "hand"

"AN IMAGE IS WORTH THAN THOUSAND WORDS" is the art installation created by Lorenzo Quinn, one of the leading contemporary exponents of figurative sculpture, best known worldwide for his monumental hand-shaped sculptures. Famous, in fact, are Quinn's hands placed at the Venice Arsenal and on the Grand Canal.

A hand designed to illustrate, almost paint, the beauty of Piazza Vescovado, with its thousand-year-old cathedral and the iconic bell tower that is the symbol of the City. The installation will remain in Caorle until November.

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© 2022 Fondazione Caorle Città dello Sport
via Roma, 26 
30021 Caorle (Venezia)
p.iva / c.f. 03923230274