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Why Caorle?

Caorle is a quaint hamlet overlooking the Adriatic Sea and is also a highly modern beach and tourist destination, perfect for all kinds of holiday-goers (it welcomes over four and a half million visitors per year).

It is ideal for all kinds of getaway year-round, offers many events and attractions which appeal to tourists whatever the season and a breathtaking nature and landscape which, together with its mild climate, make it an oasis for those looking for a relaxing holiday or an active getaway.

A little history

What's more, Caorle (from the Latin, Caprulae, which means "small goats") is a treasure chest waiting to be explored and it comes as no surprise that it has been included amongst the Historic Marine Hamlets - Jewels of Italy (at the IAT Office in Rio Terrà tel. +39 0421 81085, located in the heart of the city centre, you can find an information point dedicated to Venetian Hamlets).

Caorle's history also appeals to travellers. From the open-air walks and visits to the Museums and the monuments which add a unique touch to the Hamlet, coming here feels like going on a journey through time: from the first settlement of the middle-late Bronze age to the Roman era (13 miles from the shore, there is an Roman cargo ship on the seabed!) with the city connected to the sea via the river Reatinum (now Lemene) which flows into the sea in Caorle. Around the 5th century A.D., the Roman Empire collapsed and the barbarians arrived (the inhabitants hid on the lagoon islands to defend themselves). From the 7th century, Caorle became the episcopal seat and 57 bishops uninterruptedly made Caorle their home!

The history of our Hamlet was intertwined with that of the Most Serene Republic of Venice until the arrival of Napoleon. Subsequently, Caorle, just like Venice, fell under the Habsburgs until 1866, when the Kingdom of Italy was proclaimed.

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© 2022 Fondazione Caorle Città dello Sport
via Roma, 26 
30021 Caorle (Venezia)
p.iva / c.f. 03923230274