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The National Archaeological Maritime Museum

It is located in Caorle in the former farmhouse Azienda Agricola Chiggiato in via Strada Nuova 80.
The Museum is divided into two sections.
On the first floor are exposed the most significant finds discovered in Caorle and in the neighbouring sites, dating back from the Late Bronze Age (XIII century – first half of XII century b.C.) to the modern age.
You will discover how our town has changed with the passing of time from the protohistory and the Roman age across the centuries.
On the ground floor you can relive the history of the brick Mercurio, a Napoleonic war vessel, sunk during the Battle of Grado on 22nd February 1812.
A video will tell you its story, while a post dedicated to virtual reality will make you feel the emotion of an underwater dive in the area of the wreck; you can touch the stern, rebuilt in full scale, a cannon... and much more!

Opening times 

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday
10 am - 6 pm (last entrance at 5 pm)

Are you a group or a school? Do you want to enjoy the visit with the guide of an expert? There is the possibility to have a guided tour of the Museum also available in English and German, on demand. Please book in advance here:

Tel. +39 0421 83149 / +39 3479941448 (SMS/WA/Telegram)





How to get there

The pedestrian entrance is located at the small roundabout next to the Saetta bridge (mobile bridge located at the entrance of Caorle).
You can park your car at the Ecopark (via Gallini): the pedestrian path will guide you directly to the entrance of the structure!

Entrance ticket

Full price: 6 euro
Reduced: 2 euro (EU citizens between 18 and 25 years)
Special events : 4 euro
Free: under 18 years, teachers

Tickets can also be purchased through the Musei Italiani app and on
Call Center for visitors: mail:, tel: +39 081 1860 0331 (The service is active every day from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm)

Entrance cumulative ticket:

[Museum of Caorle] + [Museum of Portogruaro] + [Archaeological area of Concordia Sagittaria] + [Museum of Altino]
Full price: € 15,00
Reduced: € 7,50 (EU citizens between 18 and 25 years)

fb: @museomarecaorle
instagram: @museoarcheologicodelmare

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© 2022 Fondazione Caorle Città dello Sport
via Roma, 26 
30021 Caorle (Venezia)
p.iva / c.f. 03923230274